Immersive Practices to Develop Expert Learners
Second Edition

Welcome to the Second Edition!
Thanks for joining us! We created this companion site to aid your professional learning. Our intent is to provide you with resources, activities, challenges and questions to support your growing experience with and understanding of UDL. We have attempted to model UDL principles through the design of the both the site and its resources.
The site is divided into sections just like the book.
Part 1 - Your Professional Self
Part 2 - UDL and You
Part 3 - Inquire, Plan, Act, Reflect
Under each Part you'll find the associated chapters that include a brief synopsis, sharable images and quotes.
Where possible we also include:
Video (with captions and transcripts)
Interactive components to challenge your thinking or apply what you've learned
Resources to extend your understanding
Reflection questions to focus your thinking about UDL.
On each chapter page you can refine your experience by choosing one of three levels. These are based on your current understanding of UDL, and relate back to the structure of the book.
One way to determine your level is to take the UDL Self-Assessment we created. Once you have your level you can determine if you will Wade In, take a Shallow Swim or go for a deep dive into UDL.
Wade In
Shallow Swim
Deep Dive
We hope you enjoy this resource, find it useful and share it with others. Please let us know what you think, ask us a question or share your learning journey with us! #DiveIntoUDL
Inclusively Yours,
Kendra and Luis