UDL Self-Assessment
This quiz was designed to help you determine your starting point as you explore different aspects of UDL. When you complete the assessment, click "View Your Score". There you will see the correct answers as well as a number out of 15. Use this number to determine your starting point. There is also a deeper description of each level below to help you decide. Remember this is just a gauge, it's up to you to choose the learning path that best meets your needs.
0-5 points - You may want to Wade In to UDL
6 -12 points - You should consider taking a Shallow Swim
13-15 points - You are ready for a Deep Dive
If you want to learn more about each level, scroll to the bottom of the page where we review them in depth. Once you have determined your level, continue reading the book. You'll be prompted to choose your level throughout the book as well as this site.
You can complete the UDL Self-Assessment directly in Google Forms.
Wade In Overview
Number of questions answered correctly 0 - 5
The Wade In level is for an educator who has heard the term UDL, often in association with Special Education,
but are unsure of its application to their practice. They have some/many students in their class who struggle with typical text-based assignments, readings and assessments. They want to know more in order to remove barriers and create a classroom that is more accessible for their students. They recognize that technology can support these students in ways that level the playing field and make their classroom more inclusive.
Think of it as wading into a shallow pool. You get your feet wet but there is no fear of “going under”. As educators we are extremely busy and trying to make too many changes at once can be overwhelming with all we have to do. If you take the “Wade In” approach you’ll be able to explain UDL to a colleague (or parent or student) and begin to locate, make and assess resources and materials that are accessible to a wide variety of learners.
Shallow Swim Overview
Number of questions answered correctly 6 - 12
Shallow Swim is for an educator who has read, viewed or heard information about UDL or perhaps
they’ve attended a PD session on the topic. They’ve successfully removed many barriers in their
classroom through access to technology tools, and by providing a variety of digital and multimedia
resources rather than a single text-based resource. They’ve started to give students more options and
choice in how they demonstrate their learning and want to expand the technology tools and multimedia options. They are eager to address the needs of all learners from the outset as they create lessons that gradually release responsibility for learning to students, but still have many questions about what this looks like in the classroom and how they will manage such a personalized experience.
Think of this level as taking short, quick swims. You can always grab the side or touch the bottom, taking a breath as needed. At the “Shallow Swim” stage you’ll be able to create curriculum that models UDL principles and includes the use of technology to remove barriers, scaffolds to support learners, options and choice to build student ownership of learning, and just the right amount of challenge and support to meet all learners’ needs. As a leader, you’ll also be able to support educators who are at the “Wade In” stage and confidently support parents and administration in their understanding.
Deep Dive Overview
Number of questions answered correctly 13 -15
At the Deep Dive level an educator who is very knowledgeable about UDL, integrates it successfully
into instruction and often supports, or would like to support, other educators in their exploration and
understanding of UDL.
In the classroom the learner takes ownership of their learning, with the teacher guiding the learning and subtly directing options and choice to best support the learner’s growing independence. Classroom roles, goals, methods, means, assessment and environment, both social and physical, has changed. Students use technology tools and digital resources when and as needed to support, extend and accelerate their executive functions, their ability to learn and demonstrate their learning, as well as their ability to collaborate, share and connect globally. Students often determine what they will learn and how they will learn it. Depending on the school, the teachers’ focus or students’ readiness, this may be parts of the day or week (20% club, Genius Hour), short-term student led inquiry or cross-curricular projects, or a complete shift to Project-based Learning (PBL). Goal setting is connected to these learning opportunities, where students build out their plan and tie it into their growth as learners. Students recognize and work on their executive functions and self-regulation skills that connect to and enhance their project’s focus and their long term goals. Students are both empowered (ISTE Student Standards) and expert learners (Goal of UDL).
At this level you have the skills to swim from end to end and then dive deep down to bottom of the pool. You can even help others who may be unsure about getting into the water. At the “Deep Dive” stage you’re focused on the goals of UDL, using constructivist pedagogy to help learners become motivated, resourceful, and strategic learners.