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Book Images

This page contains the images used in the book. As we know print has barriers. One is the accessibility of text and images. These images include alternative text for screen readers and in some cases (where it is a more complex graphic - linked long descriptions). 


Please feel free to share these images with others.

All images shared with a Creative Commons license


Traditional Professional Reading: Read the book, write some notes, discuss with colleagues, put the book on a shelf and forget about it.
Traditional & Connected Reading.png
Dive Into UDL (2).png
Why What and How.png
Jagged Profile.png

Chapter 1

Empowered Professional.png
Two images stacked on top of each other.  Top image—students in rows facing a blackboard with the caption: “Learning won’t change” Bottom image—teachers in rows facing a screen and computers in front of them with the caption: “Until professional learning changes.
Empowered Professional (2).png

Chapter 2

Professional Growth Diagram - long description available by following the link.

Chapter 3

Moving from what you know to your goa with your ZPD and your Supported ZPD. Long description available at the link.
Start Where You Are (1).png

Chapter 4

Glasses on top of a book. Caption reads: to be fair to everyone, please remove your glasses.
Picture of swimmers in a backstroke race. Image text: Take your mark. Get set. GO! Is racing to the finish line best for our learners?
Assumptions and Beliefs (1).png

Chapter 5

Driver's view shows steering wheel and dashboard mounted touchscreen to the righ of it. Caption reads: Flexible Design puts your studets in the driver's seat of their learning.
Potted plant shown with watering can pouring water on it. Caption reads: When a plant fails to grow and bloom, we don't blame the plant. We change the conditions.

Go to Chapter 5 to see the "Inclusion Baseball" image.

Book: Dive Into UDL, Second Edition

Dive Into UDL:

Immersive Practices to Develop Expert Learners

Second Edition

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