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Chapter 11: Just Keep Swimming

One of Kendra’s favorite movies is Finding Nemo. A fish with active working memory issues “just keeps swimming,” moving forward towards her goal (even when she forgets it). Ever optimistic, she believes she has the skills (to talk to whales) and the network (remember the turtles?) to help her when she needs it. Along the way, she meets a lot of variability. Each creature has something to offer and teach, even the ADHD seagulls. We hope you are just as optimistic, but perhaps not as forgetful as Dory, as you explore and apply UDL principles to your practice.

UDL isn’t a destination like 42 Wallaby Way. It’s a journey, taken together with other professionals who are eager to learn, share, and improve their practices. Consider the book in your hands (or on your device) and this website as both conduits and catalysts—a means to connect with us and others interested in transforming their practices, and the spark to help you take on the challenge of change.


We mean it when we say we hope you will connect with us and make us your #UDLPeeps.

Title: Just Keep Swimming - picture of a coral reef with different real sea creatures represented in the movie Finding Nemo.

Share your Journey

We want to you to share your journey with us. In Chapter 11 we talked about the many of the ways you can share what you've learned, and your next steps. Whatever your UDL level - wade in, shallow swim, deep dive - there are others who will benefit from your experiences.

How you communicate is up to you. You could write a short blog, make a video, create a series of classroom images, make Twitter/FB/IG Instagram images (just remember to add captions/alt tags). 

Here's what we need from you:

  • Your Name:

  • Role:

  • School/District: 

  • UDL Knowledge Level:

  • UDL Guideline(s) and/or Principle(s):

  • UDL Planning Guide: 

  • Brief overview:

  • Multimedia/Link: 

UDL Whac-A-Mole_edited.png

If we're not in the pool or ocean, you can reach us:

On Twitter


On Facebook

Underwater photo of Luis taken in the pool.
Book: Dive Into UDL, Second Edition

Dive Into UDL:

Immersive Practices to Develop Expert Learners

Second Edition

Purchase from:

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